
The following provides on various topics that relate to Church teachings and the role of scripture. 

Morality/social justice 




Cardinal virtues – acting justly 

Caring / careless behaviours  

Catholic social teaching  

Church moral teaching 

Codes of behaviour 

Conscience and action 

Dignity and respect

Environmental justice

Ethical frameworks



Introduction to morality

Justice in the Christian tradition

Life moral choices

Making moral decisions

Moral decision making - social and cultural perspectives

Moral dilemmas for modern people

Moral issues: Pope to young people

Moral issues: thinking ethically

Morality cultural factors

Morality: the Bible as a source

Morality: world religions

Moral living: secular models

Peaceful attitudes

Peaceful relationships

Peace with self and others

Personal discernment and action

Personal identity

Political and economic issues

Social codes

Social doctrine

Stewardship-The Great Barrier Reef

Stewardship of the earth

The Church and human rights

The common good


Ways Christians act



Theology / beliefs 


Baptism and mission

Catholic Church in Australia

Catholic health and education 

Catholic Schools: What is distinctive?

Christian individuals and groups 

Christians and catacombs 

Church and politics  

Church communities: care 

Church communities: gather 

Church communities: worship 

Church structures

Church structures: cultural influences

Church-structures: historical influences

Diverse practices of the Catholic church community

Early Christian art


Life within the local parish

Models of Church

Monastic life: The rule of St Benedict

Monks, mystics and monasticism

Role models

The Apostles Creed

The Church building

The Church heals

The Church teaches

Vocation - The Christian call





Baptism and confirmation

Baptism and mission


Celebrating mass 

Eucharist: reconciling and forming communion

History of Eucharist

Holy orders

Sacraments of Initiation

Sacrament of marriage

Sacraments of commitment

Sacraments of healing and vocation

The meaning of Eucharist 


Prayer and ritual