- Catholic Identity?
- Scripture?
- Teacher background
The following provides on various topics that relate to Church teachings and the role of scripture.
Morality/social justice
Cardinal virtues – acting justly
Justice in the Christian tradition
Moral decision making - social and cultural perspectives
Moral dilemmas for modern people
Moral issues: Pope to young people
Moral issues: thinking ethically
Morality: the Bible as a source
Personal discernment and action
Stewardship-The Great Barrier Reef
Theology / beliefs
Images of God - Culture and context
Mystery and awe of God's creation
Spirituality: Australian context
Spirituality: interrelationship
Catholic Schools: What is distinctive?
Christian individuals and groups
Church structures: cultural influences
Church-structures: historical influences
Diverse practices of the Catholic church community
Monastic life: The rule of St Benedict
Monks, mystics and monasticism
Eucharist: reconciling and forming communion
Sacraments of healing and vocation